This episode covers a bunch of Apple products that barely or never happened, including a magic tablet, IPTV vaporware, and some wild green machines from Macworld.
Knowledge Navigator
- intro video
- John Sculley
- Educom (now Educause)
- Snow White design language
- original Kindle
- official website [WayBack Machine]
- ATMARK and @WORLD …from Bandai!
- Applejack controller (and 29 others)
- Pippin apple cultivar
Interactive Television Box
- photos at Shrine of Apple
- SCART port
Apple Café
- official website [WayBack Machine]
- "Meet me at Apple"
Macworld/frogdesign concepts
- article companion website [WayBack Machine]
- SuperDisk
- SyQuest
- Power Mac G3 "Open Minded" ad
- monitor flaps: still a bad idea