
e37 – The Control Strip

This episode is all about the Control Strip and its many uses on the classic Mac, from early PowerBook power management to silly games. We also discuss its successors and how they got from the bottom left corner of System 7 to the top right of OS X today.

Links for this episode:

We're going to Release Notes in September!

e36 – 40 in 40

In a special episode, we cover Apple's "40 years in 40 seconds" video in 40 minutes. It's a whirlwind tour, with nearly 100 Apple products, slogans, and references, and more than a few typos.

e35 – HyperCard

We discuss one of the defining pieces of early Macintosh software, HyperCard. We cover the application's origins and ambitious vision, the HyperTalk scripting language, our own creations, and the absence of HyperCard-like tools today.

e34 – My Dream App

What was the state of independent Mac software before iOS? We find out by returning to the 2006 competition My Dream App, featuring productivity plants, syncing in space, and meteorological eye candy.


My Dream App

  • the end of the Dream

e33 – Our Setups: Then and Now

We compare our current setups with how we worked and played on the classic Mac. Along the way we praise modern backups, pay for our previously pirated software, and Brian accidentally downloads malware.

Links for this episode:

Our current hardware

Our classic hardware

Our software

now: Safari [Ed], Adamant [Ed], Ghostery [Brian]
then: Netscape Navigator / Communicator, Internet Explorer

now: Gmail [Brian], Airmail [Ed]
then: America Online email [Brian and Ed], Outlook Express [Ed]

now: iTunes [Brian and Ed]
then: Audion [Brian and Ed], MacAMP [Ed], AppleCD Audio Player [Ed]

now: OmniFocus [Ed]
then: Ø

now: TweetBot [Ed]
then: Hotline [Ed]

now: TextEdit [Brian], Atom [Brian], TextWrangler [Ed]
then: SimpleText

now: TextExpander [Ed]
then: TypeIt4Me [Ed]

now: iStat Menus [Ed] recently: MenuMeters [Ed]
then: IP NetMonitor [Ed]

now: Transmit [Brian and Ed]
then: Transmit [Brian and Ed]
the bad old days: AOL FTP [Ed]

now: Lightroom [Ed], Photos [Brian]
then: Finder

now: Ø
then: Roxio Toast [Ed]

now: Google Docs [Brian and Ed]
then: SubEthaEdit [Ed]