
e54 – The Newton Community

e53 – The Newton

This episode, we look at the Newton platform — Apple's first attempt at (almost) handheld computing. Recorded on the 10th anniversary of the iPhone announcement, we notice a lot of parallels between the development of Newton devices and the iOS devices we carry today.


e52 – Stocking stuffers

It's our Christmas special episode! We've made our own gift lists of classic Apple products that could fit in a stocking — not all of which have turned to coal over time.

e51 – Designed by Apple in California

Ed is joined by Stephen Hackett to talk about the how and what (rather than the why) of Apple chronicling its own history in the new photo book Designed by Apple in California, as well as Stephen's new ebook Aqua and Bondi.

e50 – Legacy I/O

We cover the wild, wonderful, and sometimes half-baked history of getting data in and out of Macs. It turns out we've been citizens of Dongle Town for a long time already.

The only HDI-45 monitor.

The only HDI-45 monitor.

The last, best CRT monitor.

The last, best CRT monitor.
